Londie London: On Housewives, Music & Baby #2

It’s in January that Londie London was announced as a new cast member of season two of popular reality show, The Real Housewives of Durban. Congratulatory messages came in droves and soon after fans bore witness to elements of the star’s life: motherhood, friendship and family on the show. Fast-forward to part one of the reunion episodes in May, Londie announced she was expecting baby number two.
Followed by an Instagram post showing off her preggy belly, which read, “God’s promises are like the stars: the darker the night, the brighter they shine. His timing is magnificent #2.” Once more, congratulatory messages from fans and industry mates came in droves, giving the mom-to-be best wishes on her new chapter.
It’s a few weeks before Londie gives birth when we have our interview, she sounds tired and ready for her bundle-of-joy to come. The musician turned reality star had announced the birth of her first child Uminathi Nkosi in February last year. “Girl, it feels like I’ve been pregnant for two years now,” she laughs. “I wanted my kids to be close in terms of age gap, but it was a bit of a shock when I found out I was pregnant again.”
And so our candid conversation begins as Londie shares her excitement, expectations and experience of being pregnant with baby number two.
I decided to reveal my pregnancy at the Housewives of Durban episode because Housewives for me was a platform where I was actually showing people my personality, how I live and who I am. I also revealed my firstborn child on the show, so it only made sense for me to continue with the story, and let them know what’s up right now. It feels like I never stopped being pregnant from my first child and I’m just continuing. This pregnancy is however different, it’s easier because I know what to expect unlike with my first. I also feel like we’re in an era where as women we’re embodying our pregnancies and proudly showing them off. I’m happy to be part of this movement.
I don’t think any pregnancy is easy. My first and this one have both had their challenges and different ones at that. Overall both were smooth in terms of health but I do however feel with this one that my belly is heavier. I don’t know what that means on a superstitious level, whether it means I’m having a girl or boy. I’m hoping for a girl though. I’m more free with this pregnancy, I feel a new personality of yourself is revealed with each pregnancy. I’m more excited and energetic this time around. With my first pregnancy, I was lazy and didn’t do much. I’m eating a whole lot too with this one. Whatever baby wants, baby gets. I’ll see after I give birth on how hard I’ll have to work at the gym. There’s four of us at home, my eldest sister who passed away, then there’s me and my two younger brothers. I’m not sure if I want more kids after this, the standard of living is quite high. However, now that I’m almost done with this pregnancy, I’m ok with going for one or two more. I’ll see. I’m definitely going on a break after this, I just need to give my body a break and let it heal. As with my firstborn, my mom will be in the delivery room with me once again this time around too.

The lessons I’ve learnt from my first child and those I’m carrying into this child now are first acknowledging that life is beyond it just being about me now. I have this drive of wanting to better myself, not for me but for them. That’s not just with pregnancy but with motherhood as a whole. I now feel like I’ve found myself. I’m more ambitious and purposeful. I know who I am. I’ve grown into a woman that I’ve always wanted to become, and yet I’m still on the journey to becoming that. I don’t have a name yet for the baby, all I know is I want its meaning to be about life as the baby has given me a new sense of life and living.
Oh yes, pregnancy did come with a few insecurities. Especially with the first pregnancy. I was nervous of how it would switch up my brand and what it would mean afterwards. However there’s nothing more profound than carrying life, I quickly just adjusted to this person that I was becoming because I’ve always wanted to be a mother. My body was changing and although I embraced it, after giving birth I went into a rigorous fitness journey. Six weeks after my son was born, I went on the road and started jogging and doing other exercises. I ate clean and did everything I needed to do to feel good about myself again. I didn’t want to spiral and neglect myself. My thinking was that if I feel good about myself therefore I’ll be a better mom to my child. This second pregnancy is a breeze, I’m aware of the changes my body is going to go through once again. Therefore I know what to do to get myself into a positive outlook of things.
I turned 30 on April 13th. I’m so proud of myself and my achievements. I have my son and another baby on the way. On the day I was high-fiving myself saying, “You did more than you actually thought you do at 30. So I’m proud of you.” I was obviously heavily pregnant and so I couldn’t go crazy and celebrate as I did previously and in my 20s. Instead, I held a high-tea for friends themed, #LondiesThirTea. I’m entering two different phases of my life, my 30s and motherhood for the second time around, it feels good.
I’m asked about my music comeback a lot. This isn’t the time now with the pregnancy and a 15-month-old. There’s a lot of planning when it comes to making music: the making of the song and promoting it which means live performances and being out and about. When the time is right, I will drop the music.

Filming The Real Housewives of Durban was fun. I enjoyed the show. I like that it promotes women and women sticking together. Women being powerful in business and in marriage and all of that. I was definitely all about that, you know, that’s why I decided to join the franchise. I appreciate that people got to experience my personality. Obviously, people will always have their own opinions about certain situations as to how they would handle it. Watching the show back, there were a few things that made me cringe, like eish, I shouldn’t have said that and just kept quiet. What people don’t realise about filming a reality show like this is how testing it is. You spend a lot of time with people that you know nothing about and it’s during filming that you get to know their personalities. At the same time it’s also fun and yes, if I’m asked, I’ll be in the third season.
I used the opportunity given through The Real Housewives of Durban to rebrand myself. Most people didn’t even know I’m a Zulu girl and they got to find out so much more about me. I’m no longer, Londie the body anymore, some people even refer to me as Umi’s mom now. In hindsight they were also disappointed to not see what they thought they knew about me already like the music. With such a show I feel a person must come back for more seasons to unfold their character and for viewers to grow with them. I can’t expect people to know me fully with just 12 episodes. Behind the scenes with my family, they were excited that I’d joined The Real Housewives cast until we started filming. They realised it’s a lot of work and consuming too. The cameras would be everywhere, they didn’t expect that but they eventually grew to understand how things work. Since the show I’m now also exploring the more entrepreneur side of Londie London. I’m getting into those boardrooms.